• December News!
    In the 4th grade we will be moving into Module 3 in our Into Reading program. Students will be investigating the Essential Question of What Does It Take To Meet A Challenge? Students will read stories such as: Rent Party Jazz, Hurricanes- A Force of Nature, and The Diary from Here to There. Students will notice the challenges that characters face in their stories while also discussing challenges that they have faced in their own lives. 
    **Please have your child read for 20 minutes every day and produce a written response from their reading.
    Writing- Persuasive/Opinion Writing using Boxes and Bullets. Students will make a claim and write an essay using a thesis statement and support their thesis statement with reasons and evidence.
    In math class we have been learning different ways to multiply. We are moving toward multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 number. The children will learn how to multiply by decomposing numbers (breaking a large number down into smaller parts) which will ultimately make it easier for the children ti multiply, using the area model, as well as the standard algorithm.
    SEL- Social Emotional Learning
    The children have been studying our Social Justice Standards where they have the opportunity to learn about themselves and others. Students will complete tasks and discuss how they seem them selves (identity), how they are alike and different from their peers (diversity), study and learn more about the injustices that happen in our world through current events (justice) and finally discuss ways that they feel supported by their different communities and how to speak up for themselves and others (action)
Last Modified on December 11, 2023